Anchorage Daily News

Anchorage Daily News
By Kristen Hurst and Mike Rock

“Symphony presents a Valentine treat”

Saturday night, we had the privilege of attending the Anchorage Symphony’s Valentine’s concert.

What a treat it was. Elizabeth Hainen, guest harpist, performed Debussy’s “Sacred and Profane Dances” and Handel’s Concerto in B flat. The fact that she chose to play two such demanding pieces in one evening was heroic to begin with. To have both performed with suc pristine clarity was amazing. It sounded like crystals were pouring out of her harp.

Ms. Hainen received a well-earned standing ovation at the end of her performance. The second half of the concert was given over to Maestro Fleischer’s truly lovely interpretation of “Scheherazade.”

Smooth transitions, excellent intonation and outstanding solo work by the principal players made this a dramatic and moving end to wonderful evening. Thanks, ASO.